Foams are gas-filled plastics with a porous structure, consisting of non-interconnected cells, obtained from synthetic resins; characterized by low density and high heat and sound insulation characteristics. Another name is expanded polystyrene. Foam consists of 98 percent air.
Production of foam plastic thermal containers.
Production of foam plastic thermal containers at the primary stage is carried out by foaming polystyrene granules. Before foaming, the granule has a solid structure and a small size, the size of a grain of sand. After exposing the granule to high temperatures (steam or hot water), the polystyrene granule increases in size by tens of times and reaches a size of several millimeters. Some brands of polystyrene are able to swell up to 15 millimeters in diameter. After foaming, the density of the granule decreases, which in turn leads to a decrease in the weight of the granule. After the foaming process, the polystyrene granules have excessive moisture and must be dried. Moisture does not get inside the granule, since the granule is waterproof. Cyclic foaming processes allow to significantly reduce the density of polystyrene granules, which leads to a decrease in their weight. After secondary foaming, the foam needs to be dried. Drying consists of removing residual moisture from the surface of polystyrene foam (water does not get inside – foam is a waterproof material).
Conversion of polystyrene granules into a thermal container.
After the drying process of the granules and their stabilization, they are ready for conversion into thermal containers. To produce thermal containers, you need a press mold. Our company T-PACK is engaged in the full cycle of production of thermal containers in Ukraine. Thanks to our own metalworking shop, we can always offer the lowest prices for the production of press molds. Polystyrene granules are blown into a mold through injectors and subjected to repeated heat treatment with steam. The temperature during repeated heat treatment of polystyrene granules can reach +170 degrees Celsius. The granules expand under pressure and fill the free space between the granules.
After that, the mold and the foam thermocontainer are cooled with vacuum and water. After a long journey from a polystyrene granule the size of a grain of sand, a ready-made polystyrene thermal container will appear.
Flammability of polystyrene and polystyrene thermal containers.
Polystyrene thermal containers are highly resistant to various substances such as salt solutions, sea water, weak acids, soap, alcohols, etc. But it is worth bringing an open flame or a match and polystyrene easily ignites like gasoline. Many companies use ordinary polystyrene to reduce the cost of thermal containers and polystyrene. The T-PACK company does not save on safety when producing thermal containers, so it uses special self-extinguishing brands of polystyrene. Such polystyrene cannot be ignited with a match or flame, but it will burn in a large bonfire. When ignited, it emits acrid black smoke and the flame gradually goes out on its own.
Production of T-PACK thermal containers
If you are looking for production of foam thermal containers in Ukraine – come to us. T-PACK has been producing thermal containers since 2018. Having come a long way, we are able to provide a wide range of thermal containers in stock and are able to manufacture thermal containers of any complexity. We offer our customers only high-quality, certified products at a competitive, favorable price. Our thermal containers are manufactured on high-precision, modern equipment from environmentally friendly and safe materials. You can order thermal containers made of foam plastic of the required size not only in Zhytomyr, Kyiv, but also in any other city of Ukraine with delivery. We will be happy to advise, tell you what exactly you need and choose the best solution for you. We will be very glad to see you among our regular customers.